I am sensitive to smells. Unfortunately I live in New york City, one of the smelliest places on the planet. OK I am sure there are other parts of the world that are smellier but NYC can hold its own in the stank department. Usually it's possible to move away from the offending odor to a less foul environment with one exception; the subway car. Once your in, your in baby there is no way out till the next stop. With such close quarters, why oh why don't people practice just the basics in personal hygiene? I know hippy, stoner kids think patchouli will mask whatever they were smoking ten minutes ago but it doesn't. The only thing it does is add to the stench that is your body odor. And for crying out loud brush your teeth in the morning! There is nothing worse than getting into a subway car and realizing just seconds before the doors close that someone on that train is owner to the most raunchiest case of morning breath imaginable. OK I know what your thinking, homeless people smell pretty bad so why aren't you picking on them? Because, homeless people are poor, they don't have money to eat let alone buy toothpaste and most homeless are mentally ill so they deserve a break. But if you have money for weed you have money for soap so buy a bar and use it!