Some interesting Thanksgiving facts:
- Male Turkeys are called "Toms", female turkeys are called "Hens" and baby turkeys are called "poults". ( I just call them yummy.)
- Turkeys originally existed in the eastern US. and Mexico. (See even the turkey made a run for the border.)
- In 1947, the first Presidential pardon was ceremoniously given to a turkey. (This year the pardon will most likely go to O.J. Simpson, who in my book classifies as a jive turkey.)
- The Average American consumes over 15 pounds of turkey per year. (The average American also gains 15 lbs. a year, coincidence???)
- The first Thanksgiving feast was held to thank the Lord for sparing the lives of the survivors of the Mayflower, who landed at Plymouth Rock on December 11, 1620. The survivors included four adult women and almost forty percent children. (Which was promptly followed by the opening of the first daycare.)
- The Wampanoag chief Massasoit and ninety of his tribesmen were also invited to the first thanksgiving feast. Governor William Bradford invited them for helping the Pilgrims surviving and teaching them the skills of cultivating the land. (We were so thankful for their kindness we decided to relieve them of all that burdensome land.)